In preparation for course discussion and especially the Joint Operations Module (JOM), click each:
Class 25-3
Military in a Democracy (1 hour YouTube video discussion with Gens Mattis, Dunford and Kelly, USMC, Part of the George Washington Presidential Library's Symposium "The Great Experiment: From the Founding to the Future.")
Joint Operations Module specific:
Additional resources:
Joint Staff J-7 (Joint Force Development): Joint Electronic Library Plus (JEL+) is a NIPRNET/SIPRNET web portal (CAC/PIV accessible) that sustains JS J-7, JED’s mission supporting the Joint Doctrine development and distribution process by providing reference resources and continuous updates of all Joint Publications, Air Land Sea Application (ALSA) publications, and terminology within the DOD Dictionary, as well as maintaining the Universal Joint Task List (UJTL) required for joint readiness reporting and training, and more. The JEL+ presents authoritative search results in a unique, tabbed format that allows the user to view search results for all of the above categories (and more) on one screen and make connections to their search topic.
Additional Joint Force Development linkages and files are provided to include individual tabs, resources, and files for: Education, Training, Lessons Learned, Concepts, and JS Leadership
SIPR link (requires token): / NIPR link (requires CAC/PIV):
Other readings of interest:
New Directions in US National Security Strategy, Defense Plans and Diplomacy
Current DoD Strategic Guidance